
Here’s me getting overly excited about the new one-way doors they’re adding to Two Point Museum, plus an interview

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Here’s me getting overly excited about the new one-way doors they’re adding to Two Point Museum, plus an interview

“If, two months ago, you’d been told to close your eyes and imagine a Two Point game about a museum, you’d come up with something at least 85% identical to Two Point Museum,” wrote James, previewingishly. After spending a few hours with a beefier build, I’m inclined to agree. But, much like Campus (which gave you real incentive to actually run a smooth operation that genuinely benefited the lazy ratbags stinking up your dorm halls) it’s that extra 15% that really makes all the difference.

James already covered the new exhibits system, and how acquiring and displaying them changes the way you run things, but such globetrotting adventures do little to rattle the pulse of a world-weary mapmuncher like me. No, what I’m actually most excited for when Two Point Museum releases next February is possibly the most ostensibly uninteresting feature added to any videogame ever - partition walls.

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