
Siyaset Haberleri

Siyasi gelişmeler, meclis gündemi ve siyasi haberler

7 Things Stroke Doctors Say You Should Never, Ever Do

7 Things Stroke Doctors Say You Should Never, Ever Do

It's important to lead an active lifestyle, eat nutritious foods and manage things like your blood p...

07.12.2024 202
Santé buccale et cancer du côlon

Santé buccale et cancer du côlon

Une étude récente montre qu’un type de bactérie associée aux maladies des gencives pourrait particip...

28.10.2024 0
F.P. Santangelo rêve à un retour des Expos

F.P. Santangelo rêve à un retour des Expos

«Je serais très heureux et je déménagerais ici pour faire partie de l’organisation.»...

06.12.2024 172
Jujutsu Infinite Boss Guide: All Boss drops, spawn timings, and more

Jujutsu Infinite Boss Guide: All Boss drops, spawn timings, and more

Jujutsu Infinite presents some formidable challenges to the players as they level up, and defeatin...

04.01.2025 0
Over 100 countries want an ambitious plastics treaty. Oil-producing nations are getting in the way.

Over 100 countries want an ambitious plastics treaty. Oil-producing nations are getting in the way.

What was supposed to be the final round of United Nations negotiations for a global plastics treaty ...

02.12.2024 0
An ad giant wants to run your next TV’s operating system

An ad giant wants to run your next TV’s operating system

An ad company’s foray into TV operating systems (OSes) illustrates a significant shift for TV hardwa...

21.11.2024 0
It's Surprisingly Easy to Jailbreak LLM-Driven Robots

It's Surprisingly Easy to Jailbreak LLM-Driven Robots

AI chatbots such as ChatGPT and other applications powered by large language models (LLMs) have ...

11.11.2024 0
Gift of health this Diwali

Gift of health this Diwali

  Wondering what to gift this diwali? I say you stay away from mundane, useless stuff, and opt in...

03.11.2015 0
Saadet Partisi'nin yeni genel başkanı Mahmut Arıkan oldu

Saadet Partisi'nin yeni genel başkanı Mahmut Arıkan oldu

Saadet Partisi'nde Temel Karamollaoğlu dönemi sona erdi. Saadet Partisi 9. Olağan Büyük Kongresi'nd...

24.11.2024 0
Trump’s Comments on Future Elections Should Terrify You

Trump’s Comments on Future Elections Should Terrify You

Fox News’s “Patriot of the Year” loves the United States so much that he wants to completely reshape...

06.12.2024 177
Kış lastiği zamanı yaklaşıyor

Kış lastiği zamanı yaklaşıyor

Bu dönemde doğru lastik seçimi, hem yol tutuşu hem de fren mesafesi için büyük bir önem taşıyor. Soğ...

18.11.2024 0
Manchester City'nin eski futbolcusu o ülkeden cumhurbaşkanı adayı gösterildi!

Manchester City'nin eski futbolcusu o ülkeden cumhurbaşkanı adayı gösterildi!

Gürcistan'da yaklaşan seçimler öncesi iktidar partisi Gürcü Hayali Partisi, eskiden İngiliz ekip Man...

28.11.2024 0